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Website Designing for Immense Success in the Market

The immense debate is circulating on knowing the future of website designing.  Too many articles are written on this expensive topic, here I am sharing with you some obvious predictions about the future of website designing.

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Gestures will be the Links:

It is true that from long we have been seeing long scrolls on web pages, and we get used to of it. However, most users may find then painstaking move to move their mouse to the right edge of the screen, just to find the scrollbar. Some people may use the mouse wheel, track pad or cursor keys. However, no method can ease the pain of scrolling.

However, with time technology gets advanced and now it is faster to scroll than to find the right edged scrollbar. Now, especially on mobile devices, you can scroll wildly with your thumb easily. It is a complete opposite to what we see on desktop screens.  This is pushing website designing company in Dubai to design website around scrolling first, and clicking second. And that is what we’ve seen everywhere:

This trend will continue in future because of the practical solution it will provide to its mobile users. Modern sites have fewer things to click on, especially the commercial websites, but need much more scrolling. We’ll see countable links, more buttons and bigger areas for clicks. The pages are expected to have long scrolls.

Moreover, the technology is affecting the design community as they are working very hard to keep the pace with fast changing technology for this they are making their design more effective yet keeping it simple.

The Fold is almost dead:

It is true that with time scrolling is so cheap, and devices are now available in different sizes, the fold feature is becoming useless.Designers are now using ‘space free’ method by avoiding a pile of links at the top of the website. This leads to another popular trend of using large or medium sized images as a background image. With time, tall scrolling and big images are back again. It is true that it was a forbidden magazine trend, but now revived by popular website designing company in Dubai.

In fact in the year 2016, this trend will continue to refine and most websites will use impressive images in large size as their background image. 

Web Sites are Simplifying Because Users are Smart:

Yes, just two years back, there were only a few websites with simple outlook, as most of them were loaded with content. However, with time more users are coming on websites and they know much more about the website. Their demands are high and they want to receive a fine visual experience, where things are placed elegantly and not piled up.

They want to have a visually appealing look, where multiple tabs are arranged well to increase faster browsing. Pages are linked well and provide a seamless experience because now websites are supposed to be fast but deliver a better experience. Simpler designs scan easily, which means they are load in less time.

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