Logo Designing Trends In 2017
Keep it short and sweet.

This type was very famous back in 2016 and experts are off the view that they will dominate markets in 2017 as well. Such trends are normally preferred by tourism and hotel industry where the business owners are keen to highlight their brand in a unique passion and to make sure that it stands out of the ordinary crowd. In complex markets that are roaring high in competition business owner practices the same approach however they ensure that they at the same time does not have to compromise on style and chic areas. To achieve this task they ensure that they are backed with high-end logo design Dubai oriented services that are reliable and creative.
Hand-drawn logos originate personality, affection and genuineness, three features that may not be possible to cover if the designers are relying more on design tools that are mainly computer aided. Hand-drawn logos emanate warmth, authenticity and personality; three attributes which are more difficult to capture using computer aided design. 2017 is believed to be the year of tone, colors that are dimmer or flat and above all simplicity as a key trait.
Negative Spaces:
It may have not been an area of serious attraction in 2016 however experts are of the view the negative space logo design trends would capture the markets in no time and that too in an aggressive passion. Based on dual-imagery, the negative and positive space each battle for the greater attention from viewers. A good example here would be of NBC logo, where the negative space is utilized to craft the brand image of peacock. Some social media platforms like Pinterest also have opted for this trend already.
Line Art:
Shooting up back in 2015 and managing to maintain its position in the highly dynamic industry of Dubai, it is expected to shoot up further in 2017. Based on consistent thickness of lines that are backed with solid and true color integrations, it in addition provides excellent opportunities to designers that are associated with logo design Dubai industry to explore creative ways and implement negative spacing smartly in their line art work.
Most of us may have strong memories and emotions that may be linked with our past, vintage designs for logos are used for this very reason because they may trigger the feeling of familiarity and one may feel confident with businesses that may have opted for this type of logo designing trends.
On a concluding note, one must always opt for designs that are in line what one is expecting from their business logo. Random and fluked approaches in this domain will not help the cause as that may create gaps between the message that is broadcasted by logo and the actual business nature.